It may be glutenous to favor the food genre of podcasts but I love listening to the recipes and practical kitchen tips you can pick up. America’s Test Kitchen has a great podcast that I look forward to each week. Almost all episodes are broken into multiple segments which typically include – the results of a gadget or ingredient test, Q&A with callers, an interview with a tastemaker in the food industry, and a recipe walk-through. This multi-segment approach helps the podcast feel fresh and makes it easy to tune out parts that may be less interesting. One of my favorite episodes features a beautiful interview with the late Roald Dahl’s wife, Felicity d’Abreu Crosland.
Like most children I grew up on Roald Dahl. Whether it was Mrs. Walker reading Witches to my second grade class, my dad cracking open The BFG before bedtime, or watching on repeat the Matilda BlockBuster VHS the fantastical stories of Roald Dahl litter my childhood. Needless to say, I loved this particular episode. Food played a large part in Dahl’s life as it showed so clearly through his work (golden ticket chocolate bars, edible wallpaper, force fed decadent chocolate cake, the list goes on) and in an intimate conversation with Felicity, America’s Test Kitchen learns where this love may have started. From being a taste tester for Cadberry candy bars as a child to stories about his humorous side, the interview with Felicity is touching and entertaining for any lover of Roald Dahl.